How to Lose Waist Fat?

Kevin Kamau
5 min readOct 15, 2019

To begin, let’s get one fact clear: there is no single way to focus on specific areas that contain fat in your body.

It doesn’t matter how actively the guy on the ad promises how his products can ‘firm up your butt’ or ‘melt the love handle .’ he is just insincere. Or at least changing the truth to make a sale.

Even exercising twice daily, every day, undoubtedly would not be sufficient to get you the results that you want.

In case you are taking more calories than you are burning, and in fact, the food you are consuming has been packed with sugar, you will be encouraging your body to store more fat, which will give you some additional flab.

Nonetheless, there are several tips on how to lose waist fat.

Doing more than a thousand sit-ups will not help you get a six-pack quickly. However, making some dietary alterations and changing your approach to training can help a lot.

Are you seated comfortably? Let us start.

1. Eliminate Stress

Reducing stress lessens your cortisol levels. High cortisol level in the body encourages fat gain, especially around the midsection.

The intensity of your workout or even how healthy you eat does not matter; you will struggle hard to cut down on weight when your cortisol is high.

Men are more predisposed to stress-related cortisol and belly fat.

Minimizing stress levels is the only way to reduce the amount of fat stored in your waist. And minimizing stress is not that simple.

However, they are three natural and scientifically verified techniques that you can use. They include listening to music, laughter, and yoga.

2. Try HIIT

It’s a known fact that HIIT (high-intensity interval training) is the best and most efficient way to lose waist fat. Stockholm’s Karolinska Institute has figured out the reasons why. It is majorly about the effects of exercises on mitochondria- the bits in our cells responsible for producing energy.

The most significant discovery, however, was the two essential elements of a perfect fat-burning session.

To start, carry out intervals that are less than 30 seconds. As the cell’s response continues to swell, the metabolism slows after 30 seconds. Secondly, try to give all your efforts for all the intervals.

If you decide to settle for anything less, it will not have the same effect.

3. Workout Before Breakfast

Try to exercise first before you take any meal.

In a recent experiment that the BBC carried out, it was found that men can burn 8% or more fat if they carry out their exercises before having their meals. When you get up and go to the gym before breakfast, your muscles will burn fat as there are no carbohydrates to provide energy for the workout.

You can then grab a healthy snack afterward, combining protein and carbohydrates to replace missing carbs and aid in muscle repair.

4. Get Enough Vitamin C

Vitamin C can help in balancing the cortisol spikes which happen when you are extremely stressed. It also prevents cold and boosts your entire immune system. This vitamin is also crucial in making carnitine. Carnitine is a compound that aids the body in the process of changing fat into energy.

If you are undergoing a very stressful period, increasing your vitamin C intake is highly recommended; it will go a long way in countering the adverse side effects of stress.

Nevertheless, do not gulp a glass of orange juice when super thirsty. This is because orange juice is full of sugar; it may still interfere with your weight-loss efforts even though it is naturally occurring.

You can also include some kiwi fruit, kale, tomatoes, and chili peppers in your diet plan.

5. Drink Green Tea Daily

Research in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition proposes that drinking at a minimum of four cups of fresh green tea daily can help you to shed between 2 and 3 kgs in two months or even less.

There is a compound found in green tea which momentarily hastens your metabolism.

If you want to increase your intake of green tea even further, you can keep a jug full of iced green tea in the fridge so that you can have a variety.

6. Begin Your Day with Protein

If you want to lose weight by skipping meals, you are setting yourself up for failure.

Taking breakfast is the healthiest and the most straightforward thing you can do to feel much better and be more energetic.

However, you must include proteins. You should also avoid cereals for breakfast as they usually are packed with excess additives and sugar. Setting your neurotransmitters for the whole day is the main reason behind the high-quality protein breakfast.

7. Get Enough Sleep

When you are exhausted, you will tend to elicit the hunger-stimulating hormone known as ghrelin. This hormone triggers cravings for sugary foods, which will do no good to your waistline.

When one loses sleep, hormone production is altered, which dramatically affects the cortisol levels in your body and can even lead to insulin sensitivity.

Getting between 7 and 8 hours of sleep at night is highly recommended for people looking to lose waist fat.

8. Increase Your Nutrients Intake

This is another trick you can use to support fat loss and digestion, to ensure that you have enough stomach acid to crush food down properly.

You can take HCI (hydrochloric acid) supplement to improve the stomach’s acid levels and improve the absorption of iron, zinc, magnesium, Vitamin B, protein, and other essential nutrients.

9. Take a Probiotic

Probiotics refer to the bacteria that reside naturally in the gastrointestinal tract and are usually found in dairy products, such as yogurt.

It’s tough to cut down some pounds if you don’t have a healthy gut. More than half the neurotransmitters that send messages from the brain to hormone receptors and individual cells throughout the body are made in the same manner in the gastrointestinal lining.

If your gut is not healthy, it will negatively impact the production of neurotransmitters, thus leading to a lack of motivation to work out, low mood, and reduced cognitive function.

Gut health is crucial as it generally improves digestion.


Losing waist fat cannot be achieved overnight. It takes patience and consistency. Stick to a proper diet and incorporate exercises. With time you will see some changes, and your waist fat will start to disappear. Good luck!

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Kevin Kamau

Writer — Articles, Blogs, eBooks, Reviews & Web Content