6 Natural Ways to Exfoliate

Kevin Kamau
3 min readOct 10, 2019

As you grow, your skin is not as effective as it used to be at peeling dead skin cells. So, it needs to exfoliate regularly to lift off dead and old skin cells to reveal a better skin form.

Exfoliation helps keep your skin pores clear, have a clean skin-free from skin disorders and other chronic problems.

If you want to exfoliate, you can try some exfoliating creams. But they are pretty expensive since you must keep on purchasing every time it runs out. And that’s why you should consider natural alternatives to exfoliate.

Here, you’ll find several naturals ways that you can utilize to exfoliate your skin.

1. Using A Dry Towel

It’s the simplest method of exfoliating as compared to other natural exfoliating means.

Why is that? It’s because you only need a towel to exfoliate your skin. You won’t require any creams, lotions, or scrubs.

Make sure to have at least two towels. After you take a shower, use one of the towels to dry yourself, and keep the other one as dry as possible. When you’re completely dry, bring the reserved towel and rub yourself down again, and you’ll remove the old, dead skin cells from your skin.

If you want a gentle exfoliation of your skin, you need a natural bristle brush.

2. Dry Brushing

Start from your feet and move upwards; you can exfoliate your whole body in about three to five minutes.

After brushing, make sure to cleanse your skin as well as moisturize it.

3. Milk

Milk has lactic acid that acts as a chemical exfoliate. As simple as it sounds, use milk, and you won’t be needing any rubbing or scrubbing to remove dead skin cells.

You can use natural milk or add some egg whites to it if you have dry skin. If that looks disgusting, you can add only one or two cups of milk to your bath to exfoliate your skin when bathing.

4. Sugar and Oil

Mix some sugar and oil and use it as an exfoliating scrub. Some of the best oils for exfoliating include coconut oil, olive oil, or jojoba oil.

It would be best if you start by rubbing your skin in gentle, circular motions. To avoid soreness on your hand, I would recommend using a piece of cloth.

5. Baking Soda and Honey

I bet in your kitchen; you certainly have baking soda. If so, mix it with raw honey (natural), and if required, you can add some water.

Leave the mixture to rest and use it as an exfoliating cream on your skin. The honey has anti-microbial properties that help in fighting bacteria breakouts.

6. Oatmeal

Oatmeal works best, especially if you have sensitive skin, and some ingredients such as baking soda and others might be harsh on your skin.

It’s best used as a physical exfoliate because it does not affect any skin type.


There are so many other ingredients you can use to exfoliate your skin, such a coffee, salt, apples, citrus fruits, etc. Look for the best ones that won’t affect your skin. However, if you want to exfoliate naturally, try the above ingredients. You got nothing to lose!

Originally published at http://secreteyekk.wordpress.com



Kevin Kamau

Writer — Articles, Blogs, eBooks, Reviews & Web Content